Dig Dug (Atari 2600) - online game | RetroGames.cz (2025)


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Atari 2600 joystick:

Dig Dug (Atari 2600) - online game | RetroGames.cz (1)

Joystick control:
Player 1: Player 2:
joystick ↑↓←→ TGFH
trigger Spacebar A
turbo Del .
Pause Alt+P Alt+P
black-white / color mode: F2
paddle / joystick mode: Alt+L

Emulation speed:

If the game emulation is slow, try to speed it up by reloading this pa­ge without ads or choose a­no­ther emulator from this table.

Other platforms:

This game can be played also in a versions for Ata­ri 7800, NES, Game Boy and DOS.

Game info:
Dig Dug (Atari 2600) - online game | RetroGames.cz (2)
box cover
Game title:Dig Dug
Console:Atari 2600
Author (released):Namco (1982)
Genre:Action, PlatformMode:Multiplayer
Design:Masahisa Ikegami, Shigeichi Ishimura, Toshio Sakai, ...
Music:Yuriko Keino
Game manual:manual.pdf

File size:

872 kB
Download:not available (stream only)

Game size:

16 kB
Recommended emulator:Stella
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Dig Dug is an arcade game developed and published by Namco in Japan in 1982. It runs on Namco Galaga hardware, and was later published outside of Japan by Atari, Inc.. A popular game based on a simple concept, it was also released as a video game on many consoles.
The objective of Dig Dug is to eliminate underground-dwelling monsters by either inflating them with an air pump until they explode, or by dropping rocks on them. There are two kinds of enemies in the game: 'Pookas' (a race of round red monsters, said to be modeled after tomatoes, that wear yellow goggles), and 'Fygars' (a race of green dragons that can breathe fire while their wings flash).
The player's character is the eponymous Dig Dug, dressed in white and blue and able to dig tunnels through destructible environments. Dig Dug will be killed if he is caught by either a Pooka or a Fygar, burned by a Fygar's fire, or crushed by a rock he has loosened.
A partially inflated monster will gradually deflate and recover after a few seconds, during which time Dig Dug can pass safely through it. The monsters normally crawl through the tunnels in the dirt but can turn into ghostly eyes and travel slowly through the dirt. The last enemy in a round will try to escape off the top left of the screen - and if he succeeds, the potential points are lost.
More points will be awarded for exploding an enemy further down in the dirt (the levels are color-coded). Additionally, Fygars are worth double points if exploded horizontally, since they can only breathe fire horizontally in the direction they are facing. Extra points are also awarded for dropping rocks on enemies in order to eliminate them rather than inflating them. If one enemy is killed by the rock, it is worth 1000 points. The next two add 1500 points each, and any after that, add 2000. The act of digging is itself worth points - giving 10 points for each block dug, so some players will do as much of it as possible while the threat from the remaining monsters is minimal.
After the player drops two rocks, fruits and vegetables and other edible bonus items, such as Galaxian flagships, appear in the center of the play field, and can be collected for points if the player is able to reach them before they disappear. These edible bonus items will appear even if the rocks fail to crush any enemies. In the original arcade version, the most points attainable from a single bonus fruit (or vegetable) is 8000 from the pineapple, which appears in every round of the game from the seventeenth round onwards.
If the player should drop a rock on an enemy at the same time he or she explodes him, a glitch will occur whereupon all enemies will promptly disappear, but the game will not progress and the player will be free to dig through all dirt. Attaining the next level of play will then remain impossible, but the glitch can be resolved by forcing a rock to drop (unless, of course, there are no rocks remaining).
The round numbers are represented by flowers in the top right of the screen, and each new round is noted at the beginning of each round. After every fourth round, the color of the dirt will alternate. In successive rounds more monsters appear on each screen, and they move quicker. A round is completed successfully when the last monster is dispatched or succeeds in fleeing. In the original Namco version, the game will end on round 256 (round zero), since the board is essentially an unplayable kill screen; at the start of the round, a Pooka will be placed directly on top of Dig Dug with no way to kill him. Therefore, the game will basically be over at this point, regardless of how many lives a player may have remaining - but the Atari version corrects this problem.

More details about this game can be found on Wikipedia.org.

For fans and collectors:
Find this game on video server YouTube.com or Vimeo.com.
Buy original game or Atari 2600 console on Amazon.com or eBay.com.

Find digital download of this game on GOGorSteam.

Videogame Console:

Dig Dug (Atari 2600) - online game | RetroGames.cz (3)This ver­sion of Dig Dug was de­sig­ned for A­ta­ri 2600, which was com­mer­ci­al­ly ve­ry suc­ces­s­ful vi­deo ga­me con­so­le of se­cond ge­ne­ra­tion pro­du­ced by A­ta­ri from 1977 to 1992. It was the first con­so­le that used re­mo­vab­le me­mory mo­du­les with ga­mes. At the time of its grea­test fa­me, mo­re than 30 mil­li­on units of this con­so­le were sold for about $ 200 a pie­ce. To da­te, the ga­me li­bra­ry for this con­so­le con­tains near­ly 1,000 o­ri­gi­nal ga­mes. Mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on about the Atari 2600 can be found here.

Recommended Game Controllers:

You can control this game easily by using the keyboard of your PC (see the table next to the game). However, for maximum gaming enjoyment, we strongly recommend using a USB joystick that you simply plug into the USB port of your computer. If you do not have a joystick, buy a suitable USB controller on Amazon or AliExpress or in some of your favorite online stores.

Available online emulators:

5 different online emulators are available for Dig Dug. These emulators differ not only in the technology they use to emulate old games, but also in support of various game controllers, multiplayer mode, mobile phone touchscreen, emulation speed, absence or presence of embedded ads and in many other parameters. For maximum gaming enjoyment, it's important to choose the right emulator, because on each PC and in different Internet browsers, the individual emulators behave differently. The basic features of each emulator available for this game Dig Dug are summarized in the following table:

EmulatorTechnologyMultiplayerUSB gamepadTouchscreenWithout ads
Javatari 5.0JavaScriptYESYESYESYES
Javatari 0.91JavaScriptYESYESNOYES
JStellaJava appletYESNONOYES

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Dig Dug (Atari 2600) - online game | RetroGames.cz (2025)


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